Huge schlongs on gay men movies

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A 2015 article in The Washington Postcatalogued the path of Bonaparte’s penis from Napoleon himself, to an Italian priest, to a London bookseller, to a book dealer in Philadelphia, to a French Museum in New York City.

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The Story: Napoleon’s penis is presently in Englewood, New Jersey… maybe. Helena, it was somehow accidentally removed and has travelled the globe in the hands of collectors ever since. The Penis: Since his death in 1821, Napoleon’s penis has been the subject of an urban legend that claims that during his autopsy on St. Napoleon Bonaparte, French dictator and conquerer Strap yourself in for some quality journalism. But how many of these tales are really true? We consulted historians, a comedy writer and even a Pulitzer Prize winner in our attempt to discover the truth behind these stories of the oversized, the severed, the diseased and the deformed. An investigation into the rumors, legends and tall tales of the world’s most storied dicksįrom the tiny to the eye-wateringly massive, history is just stuffed with legendary penises.

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